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"A great school"

A review of Howford School by Thomas McGready written on Monday 31st of January 2011


I went to this school back in the early 70s when i was the age of 10 and to me as it is to many others a fab great school. there was many good teachers who did look out for us and keep us right when we did need it. and it is what you call a school. i felt safe every day i was there. and i was a quiet small young boy and i did make good mates and became good friends with. a name of one of them was william ferguson he was a good mate and had a crazy laugh like a sniker. and the other was william frazer a great guy and good mate.i also made friends with saleem ramzan that not many others did. i had good friends for the time i was there and other friends and mates i got to know. i would like to think they all are doing well with a good job and family that i would so much as they were all great to get on with and there never was a bad thing about any of them. but i will never know what became of them the friends and mates of the early 70s. a fab school and the teachers do care alot for us who need it that is those days i miss and would love to go back to so for all the children of howford in the early 70s take care and i hope you all are well as i am from an old school mate Thomas McGready.

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Howford School

Map showing Howford School on Crookston Road