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"Another good memo from the past"

A review of Howford School by Thomas McGready written on Tuesday 1st of February 2011


In Howford we did alot and we had a quier where we sang and after we sang my teacher said to me thomas you have a voice and through time who knows where you will go with it. we even had the school done up at christmas so it was alot like christmas and that made it feel like home a home from home. i gues many others went to this school at the same time as me and after me. there was many good children who went there and one of the girls was agness morton. i think that was her name . we did not ever say much to each other but i did always believe and still do to this day agness morton was and is a very nice good girl well woman now to get on with and is a very good friend for anyone to make. dont do agness wrong and she will not do wrong. its a shame many others will not write in about how good howard was for them as i cant be the only one with lots of good memos of my past childhood in howford there must be others who would like to sahre of there good times and days and years there as i did. Howford what a school and always will be my best school like many other schools like it..

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Howford School

Map showing Howford School on Crookston Road