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Alexander Technique Glasgow/Partick

Apsley Street, Glasgow, G11.

The Alexander Technique works by helping you to identify and prevent the harmful postural habits that aggravate, or may be the cause of stress, pain and under-performance. It is an effective yet simple and practical method for self-improvement and self-help. Based in Apsley Street, Partick, Alexander Technique Glasgow/Partick is a business.


Business Details

The teacher uses gentle manual guidance with the hands to assist in becoming aware of any unnecessary tensions and to encourage freer use of the body. It is practiced around every day’s life movements such as sitting, standing, walking, bending and could specifically applied to sport activities in order to improve performance and help recover from injuries. Performers benefit from improved stamina, increased clarity of perception, being freer and more spontaneous and a better management of stage fright. Learning the Alexander Technique can help to prevent or alleviate conditions associated with undue tension or poor posture. Significant long-term benefit from alexander technique lessons for low back pain has been demonstrated by a major study published by the british medical journal on 20th August 2008..

Contact Information

Alexander Technique Glasgow/Partick
27 Apsley Street, Partick
G11 7SP
Telephone: 0141 334 7570

Type of Business

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Further Information

Alexander Technique Glasgow/Partick is in Apsley Street Partick. You can view a list of neighbouring businesses by going to the Apsley Street page.

If you would like a list of other alexander technique hospitals & medical establishments listings throughout Glasgow, please visit the Alexander Technique section of this website.


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Alexander Technique Glasgow/Partick on a Map

Map showing business location in Apsley Street

Note: the pin is positioned at the postcode centre, and may not correspond with the precise location of 27 Apsley Street, Partick.