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"Try hard !, Horrible job."

A review of Speirs Parnie by Joe Logan written on Saturday 23rd of February 2008


Who would want to be a factor?

- They need their cash to run their businesses and unfortunately are always last to be paid, who ever gives their factor an award or promotes an MBE/OBE for outstanding achievement in factoring?

-Unfortunately without Government/Insurers/Building Owners support they have become skillful at surviving in a dog eat dog world.

-This is what happens to kids that start off with good parents and get into bad company. If you really care have sympathy.

-Poor Factors, have no option but to earn a proper living by getting a cut from the contractors that they employ, and therefore the more visits the better. Charging for services not provided is critical to support their deficient cashflow caused by people who do not pay their bills on time. As is withholding Insurance monies due back to clients.

-Help Factors please by contacting your solicitor to write a letter to your MP.

-They need Government support and building owners need to be more responsible and themselves accountable.


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Speirs Parnie

Map showing Speirs Parnie on Bath Street