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"The School my Grandfather and me were educated in"

A review of Quarry Brae Primary School by Douglas Gray written on Sunday 17th of March 2013


It,is very difficult for me to determine the exact year of Allan Gray being a Pupil at Quarry Brae, but I can pinpoint my introduction to Scottish formulated education.

Mr Orr was the Headmaster, with Mrs McGregor in full control of the infants.

Mr Orr had milk bottle glasses and was scary for a four- five year old in 61-62, however we were very quickly adjusted to our favourite teachers within 1-2 years of being admitted. Mrs McCrossan allowed us to keep a pet in the classroom, after my mother I loved her as someone who showed me I was deserved of some specific time.

However my brother(older by one year) was being scented as was the rest of the class (if they brought a hanky), by Mrs Mclean, who even for us out of the egg chicks was an older lady, however me being 56 and my brother 57 we still recall our formative educators, bearing in mind both my parents always supported our teachers and even when Mrs Haniff(excuse the spelling) appeared in mid sixties from Pakistan, my Mother thought we should try and learn any of the simpler directives from Mrs Haniff native language, needless to say we the Peter Douglas and Now (very important Lorna)had difficulty with our English .

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Quarry Brae Primary School

Map showing Quarry Brae Primary School on Crail Street